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Newsletter 29.5.20

A message from the Co-Heads of School…

Happy half term everyone!  The children in school and at home have continued to work hard in completing their learning activities.

Miss Wilkinson has led the team in school this week and has had a great week:

‘This week the children have been exploring the letter J. They have explored the jungle, Jack and the Beanstalk, made jelly and jam treats and explored artists including Jackson Pollock. The children really enjoyed a mini sports day on Wednesday which included jogging, jumping jacks, juggling, javelin, long jump and high jump. The younger children made their own jellyfish and crowns with beautiful jewels on them. They then made jingle sticks in the forest school. It has been a jolly and jovial week in school!’


The Ickabog will be published for free on this website, in instalments, over the next seven weeks, a chapter (or two, or three), at a time. It isn’t Harry Potter and it doesn’t include magic. This is an entirely different story….

Currently, there are no illustrations for J K Rowling’s book, instead she is asking for your ideas. If you are feeling artistic then click the link below to enter the competition.

Good Luck!


Creative Science Challenge – Caterpillar to Butterfly


Run Around The World

We’re homeward bound on our charity challenge. We’re now over 31,500 kilometres in and we’re sailing past the famous Galapagos Islands.

There’s only a few days left in May, but hopefully still plenty of opportunities to get out and about. We’ve still a long way to go, but with each step we’re getting closer! Keep recording your distances – log a few days’ worth if you’ve forgotten to do so.


This week try some calming yoga to relax the mind and body.

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