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Newsletter 10.7.20

A message from the Co-Heads of School…

This week is week 16 and with only one more week to go, all children are continuing to work hard in school and at home.

Miss Starr and Mrs McQuade have had a great week, setting exciting learning opportunities for children in school and at home.

Miss Starr reports:

“KS1 has had a Pretty Perfect week! We listened to and designed our own Paper Dolls, became Pirates for the afternoon, played a game of Peter Rabbit I-Spy, practised our Palaeontology skills, created some Pablo Picasso inspired pictures and tested our very own Parachutes outside!”

And Mrs McQuade:

“We have reached the letter P this week and have had lots of fun learning about pirates. We have studied Picasso and the style of art known as pointillism and have also written and published some poetry about ourselves.”


Show your Musical Talent…

Mrs McCartney has created a wonderful summer learning pack for all children. If you have not received one by the end of term please contact your child’s teacher to receive one.

Mrs McCartney would also like to share this wonderfully calming music activity that can be used for all children:

“Colouring to music is a great way to give yourself a break. Slow down, listen and colour.

Let your pencil doodle a pattern for you to colour as the music plays.

Colour slowly, take your time, and be proud of your beautiful colourful pattern.

Find a mandala to colour here: mandala coloring pages

Try this music:

Celtic Flute Music “

Thank you from Mrs McCartney.


78% of our parents have now downloaded and registered for free the ParentHub App. We hope more parents will join soon as we will be sending all letters out via this App as of September.


After School Club & Breakfast Club

Please can we remind parents that if your require wrap around care, you must book at least a week in advance to ensure that we can provide your child with a place.

ASC: £6:00 per session & BC: £2.50


Kindness Challenge

Make a family kindness chart. Each member of the family has a sunshine and when they display an act of kindness, colour a ray of the sunshine. Once completed choose a fun and free reward. You could have a games night or watch a movie with popcorn. Displaying kindness can be anything: helping prepare a meal, tidying up, being grateful, going to the shops or reading a bedtime story. Let’s celebrate the fact that we do all of the day to day jobs to show others we care.


The teachers would like thank the Friends of Haxby Road for their lovely 2020 class picture frames. All teachers have greatly appreciated the thought and kindness that has gone into this.

Year 6 would also like to say a huge thank you for their 2020 keyrings and a huge thank you for the friends’ contribution to their Leavers Hoody.


Dates for your diary

Friday 17th July – School closes at 12:00 for the Summer holidays.

Monday 7th September – School Training Day

Tuesday 8th September – ALL CHILDREN RETURN TO SCHOOL. Please remember to check your child’s drop off and pick up time in this week’s letter from the Co-Heads of School.


Goodbye and Good Luck Year 6.docx Free Food Flyer

Free Food Flyer


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