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Welcome to the Friends of Haxby Road

What are the Friends of Haxby Road?

The Friends of Haxby Road is a vital part of our school.

  • We raise funds for the school, allowing children to have educational experiences and resources otherwise unavailable to them.
  • We organise fun social events to build community – like discos, school fairs and film nights.

Every parent, carer, teacher and governor is automatically a member of the Friends, which means that anyone can suggest ideas or raise funds for something they’re passionate about in school.

Recent projects we’ve supported include school trips, a visit from ‘Lion Learners’, Nativity costumes for Early Years, new books for the library, and specialist resources to support those with additional needs.

The Friends is run by a committee of 10-12 parents, teachers and governors. To get in touch with us about an idea, or to ask for support to run an event, please email or leave a message on our school Facebook page, or at the school office.

We look forward to welcoming you. Please join in!